Yaxeni Oriquen
10 poze
Nume complet: Yaxeni Oriquen Garcia
Data nasterii: 03 septembrie 1966 ( 58 ani )
Zodie: Fecioara
Inaltime (cm): 173
Greutate (kg): 77
Brat (cm): 44
Coapse (cm): 68.6
Gambe (cm): 50.8
Stare civila: casatorita
Prezentare Yaxeni Oriquen
Yaxeni Oriquen este o campioana in bodybuilding profesionist, din Venezuela.
A devenit profesionista in 2005, cand a castigat titlul de Ms. Olympia. mai departe
Yaxeni Oriquen este o campioana in bodybuilding profesionist, din Venezuela.
A devenit profesionista in 2005, cand a castigat titlul de Ms. Olympia.
Palmares competitional Yaxeni Oriquen
* 1993 Venezuelan Nationals - 1st
* 1993 Ibero American - 1st
* 1993 Southern American - 1st
* 1993 Central American Championships - 1st
* 1994 Jan Tana Classic - 10th
* 1994 IFBB Grand Prix Prague - 6th
* 1995 Jan Tana Classic - ... mai departe
* 1993 Venezuelan Nationals - 1st
* 1993 Ibero American - 1st
* 1993 Southern American - 1st
* 1993 Central American Championships - 1st
* 1994 Jan Tana Classic - 10th
* 1994 IFBB Grand Prix Prague - 6th
* 1995 Jan Tana Classic - 9th
* 1995 IFBB Grand Prix Prague - 5th
* 1996 Jan Tana Classic - 12th
* 1996 IFBB Grand Prix Prague - 6th
* 1996 IFBB Grand Prix Slovakia - 6th
* 1997 Jan Tana Classic - 6th
* 1998 Ms. International - 11th
* 1998 Jan Tana Classic - 4th
* 1998 IFBB Ms. Olympia - 10th
* 1999 Ms. International - 18th
* 1999 Jan Tana Classic - 2nd
* 1999 Women's Pro Extravaganza - 3rd
* 1999 Pro World Championship - 6th
* 1999 IFBB Ms. Olympia - 10th
* 2000 Ms. International - 6th (HW)
* 2000 Jan Tana Classic - 5th (HW)
* 2000 IFBB Ms. Olympia - 4th (HW)
* 2001 Ms. International - 4th (HW)
* 2001 Jan Tana Classic - 2nd (HW)
* 2001 IFBB Ms. Olympia - 3rd (HW)
* 2002 Ms. International - 1st (HW and Overall)
* 2002 GNC Show of Strength - 1st (HW and Overall)
* 2002 IFBB Ms. Olympia - 4th (HW)
* 2003 Ms. International - 1st (HW and Overall)
* 2003 IFBB Ms. Olympia - 3rd (HW)
* 2004 Ms. International - 2nd (HW)
* 2004 GNC Show of Strength - 1st (HW and Overall)
* 2004 IFBB Night of Champions - 1st (HW)
* 2004 IFBB Ms. Olympia - 3rd (HW)
* 2005 Ms. International - 1st (HW and Overall)
* 2005 IFBB Ms. Olympia - 1st
* 2006 Ms. International - 3rd
* 2006 IFBB Ms. Olympia - 7th
* 2007 Ms. International - 2nd
* 2007 IFBB Ms. Olympia - 3rd
* 2008 Ms. International - 1st
* 2008 IFBB Ms. Olympia - 3rd
Galerie foto Yaxeni Oriquen
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Poze de la 1 la 10 din 10 poze
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