Vince Taylor
14 poze
Nume complet: Vince Anthony Taylor
Data nasterii: 25 august 1956 ( 68 ani )
Zodie: Fecioara
Inaltime (cm): 178
Greutate (kg): 104
Prezentare Vince Taylor
Vince Taylor este un bodybuilder american.
Pana de curand, a detinut recordul mondial in Guinness pentru cele mai multe victorii profesionale IFBB professional (22).
Recordul a fost invins de catre Ronnie Coleman care are in palmares 26 de victorii si 8 titluri de Mr. Olympia.
mai departe
Vince Taylor este un bodybuilder american.
Pana de curand, a detinut recordul mondial in Guinness pentru cele mai multe victorii profesionale IFBB professional (22).
Recordul a fost invins de catre Ronnie Coleman care are in palmares 26 de victorii si 8 titluri de Mr. Olympia.
Palmares competitional Vince Taylor
* 2007 Arnold Classic, 10th
* 2007 Australian Pro, 3rd
* 2006 Mr. Olympia - 11th
* 2006 Australian Pro - 3rd
* 2002 Masters Olympia - 2nd
* 2001 Masters Olympia - 1st
* 2000 Masters Olympia - 1st
* 1999 Masters Olympia ... mai departe
* 2007 Arnold Classic, 10th
* 2007 Australian Pro, 3rd
* 2006 Mr. Olympia - 11th
* 2006 Australian Pro - 3rd
* 2002 Masters Olympia - 2nd
* 2001 Masters Olympia - 1st
* 2000 Masters Olympia - 1st
* 1999 Masters Olympia - IFBB, 1st
* 1999 Arnold Classic - IFBB, 6th
* 1998 Arnold Classic - IFBB, 3rd
* 1998 Arnold Classic - IFBB, Masters, 1st
* 1998 Masters Arnold - IFBB, Winner
* 1997 Arnold Classic - IFBB, 5th
* 1997 Grand Prix Czech Republic - IFBB, 7th
* 1997 Grand Prix England - IFBB, 7th
* 1997 Grand Prix Finland - IFBB, 6th
* 1997 Grand Prix Germany - IFBB, 9th
* 1997 Grand Prix Hungary - IFBB, 9th
* 1997 Grand Prix Russia - IFBB, 6th
* 1997 Grand Prix Spain - IFBB, 8th
* 1997 Olympia - Masters - IFBB, Overall Winner
* 1997 Mr. Olympia - Masters - IFBB, Masters 40+, 1st
* 1996 Arnold Classic - IFBB, 4th
* 1996 Grand Prix Czech Republic - IFBB, 4th
* 1996 Grand Prix England - IFBB, 6th
* 1996 Grand Prix Germany - IFBB, 6th
* 1996 Grand Prix Russia - IFBB, 3rd
* 1996 Grand Prix Spain - IFBB, 6th
* 1996 Grand Prix Spain - IFBB, 7th
* 1996 Grand Prix Switzerland - IFBB, 5th
* 1996 Mr. Olympia - Masters - IFBB, Winner
* 1996 San Jose Pro Invitational - IFBB, 3rd
* 1995 Grand Prix England - IFBB, Winner
* 1995 Grand Prix France - IFBB, Winner
* 1995 Grand Prix Germany - IFBB, 2nd
* 1995 Grand Prix Germany - IFBB, 6th
* 1995 Grand Prix Russia - IFBB, 2nd
* 1995 Grand Prix Spain - IFBB, 2nd
* 1995 Grand Prix Ukraine - IFBB, Winner
* 1995 Houston Pro Invitational - IFBB, 2nd
* 1995 Niagara Falls Pro Invitational - IFBB, Winner
* 1995 Night of Champions - IFBB, 2nd
* 1995 Mr. Olympia - IFBB, 5th
* 1994 Arnold Classic - IFBB, 2nd
* 1994 Grand Prix France - IFBB, 2nd
* 1994 Grand Prix Germany - IFBB, 2nd
* 1994 Ironman Pro Invitational - IFBB, Winner
* 1993 Arnold Classic - IFBB, 3rd
* 1993 Grand Prix France - IFBB, 2nd
* 1993 Grand Prix Germany - IFBB, 2nd
* 1993 Ironman Pro Invitational - IFBB, 3rd
* 1993 San Jose Pro Invitational - IFBB, Winner
* 1992 Arnold Classic - IFBB, Winner
* 1992 Ironman Pro Invitational - IFBB, Winner
* 1992 Mr. Olympia - IFBB, 6th
* 1992 Pittsburgh Pro Invitational - IFBB, Winner
* 1991 Arnold Classic - IFBB, 3rd
* 1991 Grand Prix Denmark - IFBB, Winner
* 1991 Grand Prix England - IFBB, 2nd
* 1991 Grand Prix Finland - IFBB, Winner
* 1991 Grand Prix Italy - IFBB, Winner
* 1991 Grand Prix Spain - IFBB, Winner
* 1991 Grand Prix Switzerland - IFBB, Winner
* 1991 Ironman Pro Invitational - IFBB, 5th
* 1991 Mr. Olympia - IFBB, 3rd
* 1991 Pittsburgh Pro Invitational - IFBB, Winner
* 1989 Grand Prix England - IFBB, 2nd
* 1989 Grand Prix Finland - IFBB, 2nd
* 1989 Grand Prix Holland - IFBB, 4th
* 1989 Night of Champions - IFBB, Winner
* 1989 Mr. Olympia - IFBB, 3rd
* 1988 Nationals - NPC, Overall Winner
* 1988 Nationals - NPC, Light-HeavyWeight, 1st
* 1987 Mr America - AAU, Medium, 1st
* 1987 Nationals - NPC, Light-HeavyWeight, 4th
* 1983 Mr. Berlin Heavy Weight - 1st
Galerie foto Vince Taylor
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Poze de la 1 la 14 din 14 poze
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