Dexter Jackson
Florida ( Jacksonville )
14 poze
Nume complet: Dexter Tyrone Jackson Pseudonim: The Blade
Data nasterii: 25 noiembrie 1969 ( 55 ani )
Zodie: Sagetator
Inaltime (cm): 168
Greutate (kg): 111
Brat (cm): 55
Piept (cm): 114
Talie (cm): 70
Prezentare Dexter Jackson
Dexter Jackson este un culturist profesionist ce face parte din Federatia Internatională a Culturistilor (IFBB) infiintata de fratii Ben si Joe Weider in 1946 si castigator al titlului Mr. Olympia in 2008. mai departe
Dexter Jackson este un culturist profesionist ce face parte din Federatia Internatională a Culturistilor (IFBB) infiintata de fratii Ben si Joe Weider in 1946 si castigator al titlului Mr. Olympia in 2008.
Palmares competitional Dexter Jackson
* 1992 NPC Southern States, Lightweight, 3rd
* 1995 NPC USA Championships, Light-Heavyweight, 1st
* 1996 NPC Nationals, Light-Heavyweight, 6th
* 1998 North American Championships, Light-HeavyWeight, 1st and Overall
* 1999 Arnold Classic, 7th
... mai departe
* 1992 NPC Southern States, Lightweight, 3rd
* 1995 NPC USA Championships, Light-Heavyweight, 1st
* 1996 NPC Nationals, Light-Heavyweight, 6th
* 1998 North American Championships, Light-HeavyWeight, 1st and Overall
* 1999 Arnold Classic, 7th
* 1999 Grand Prix England, 4th
* 1999 Night of Champions, 3rd
* 1999 Mr. Olympia, 9th
* 1999 World Pro Championships, 4th
* 2000 Arnold Classic, 5th
* 2000 Grand Prix Hungary, 2nd
* 2000 Ironman Pro Invitational, 3rd
* 2000 Night of Champions, 8th
* 2000 Mr. Olympia, 9th
* 2000 Toronto Pro Invitational, 2nd
* 2001 Arnold Classic, 5th
* 2001 Grand Prix Australia, 3rd
* 2001 Grand Prix England, 4th
* 2001 Grand Prix Hungary, 3rd
* 2001 Night of Champions, 2nd
* 2001 Mr. Olympia, 8th
* 2001 Toronto Pro Invitational, 2nd
* 2002 Arnold Classic, 3rd
* 2002 Grand Prix Australia, 2nd
* 2002 Grand Prix Austria, 2nd
* 2002 Grand Prix England, 1st
* 2002 Grand Prix Holland, 3rd
* 2002 Mr. Olympia, 4th
* 2002 San Francisco Pro Invitational, 3rd
* 2002 Show of Strength Pro Championship, 6th
* 2003 Arnold Classic, 4th
* 2003 Maximum Pro Invitational, 3rd
* 2003 Mr. Olympia, 3rd
* 2003 San Francisco Pro Invitational, 3rd
* 2003 Show of Strength Pro Championship, 1st
* 2004 Arnold Classic, 3rd
* 2004 Grand Prix Australia, 1st
* 2004 Ironman Pro Invitational, 1st
* 2004 Mr. Olympia, 4th
* 2004 San Francisco Pro Invitational, 1st
* 2005 Arnold Classic, 1st
* 2005 San Francisco Pro Invitational, 2nd
* 2006 Arnold Classic, 1st
* 2006 Mr. Olympia, 4th
* 2007 Arnold Classic, 2nd
* 2007 Mr. Olympia, 3rd
* 2008 Arnold Classic, 1st
* 2008 IFBB Australian Pro Grand Prix VIII, 1st
* 2008 IFBB New Zealand Grand Prix, 1st
* 2008 IFBB Russian Grand Prix, 1st
* 2008 Mr. Olympia, 1st
* 2009 Mr. Olympia, 3rd
* 2010 Arnold Classic, 4th
* 2010 IFBB Australian Pro Grand Prix, 2nd
* 2010 Mr. Olympia, 4th
Galerie foto Dexter Jackson
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