Chris Cormier
California ( Palm Springs )
16 poze
Nume complet: Broderick Cormier Pseudonim: Chris Cormier
Data nasterii: 19 august 1967 ( 57 ani )
Zodie: Leu
Inaltime (cm): 182
Greutate (kg): 114
Brat (cm): 56
Piept (cm): 132
Talie (cm): 81
Stare civila: casatorit
Prezentare Chris Cormier
Chris Cormier este un bodybuilder profesionist, care a castigat de 4 ori concursul Iron Man.
A devenit unul din bodybuilderii de elita cu rangul de profesionist.
Prima data cand a participat la concursul Mr. Olympia, in 1994, a castigat locul 6. mai departe
Chris Cormier este un bodybuilder profesionist, care a castigat de 4 ori concursul Iron Man.
A devenit unul din bodybuilderii de elita cu rangul de profesionist.
Prima data cand a participat la concursul Mr. Olympia, in 1994, a castigat locul 6.
Palmares competitional Chris Cormier
* 1987 NPC Teen Nationals, Light-Heavyweight, 1st
* 1991 NPC USA Championships, Heavyweight, 4th
* 1993 NPC USA Championships, Heavyweight, 1st and Overall
* 1994 Arnold Classic, 4th
* 1994 Grand Prix France, 7th
* 1994 Grand Prix Germany, ... mai departe
* 1987 NPC Teen Nationals, Light-Heavyweight, 1st
* 1991 NPC USA Championships, Heavyweight, 4th
* 1993 NPC USA Championships, Heavyweight, 1st and Overall
* 1994 Arnold Classic, 4th
* 1994 Grand Prix France, 7th
* 1994 Grand Prix Germany, 6th
* 1994 Ironman Pro Invitational, 2nd
* 1994 Mr. Olympia, 6th
* 1995 Grand Prix England, 5th
* 1995 Grand Prix France, 5th
* 1995 Grand Prix Germany, 4th
* 1995 Grand Prix Russia, 5th
* 1995 Grand Prix Spain, 4th
* 1995 Grand Prix Ukraine, 4th
* 1995 Night of Champions, 4th
* 1995 Mr. Olympia, 6th
* 1996 Grand Prix Czech Republic, 8th
* 1996 Grand Prix England, 8th
* 1996 Grand Prix Germany, 7th
* 1996 Grand Prix Russia, 8th
* 1996 Grand Prix Spain, 8th
* 1996 Grand Prix Switzerland, 8th
* 1996 Mr. Olympia, 7th
* 1997 Canada Pro Cup, 3rd
* 1997 Grand Prix Czech Republic, 2nd
* 1997 Grand Prix England, 2nd
* 1997 Grand Prix Finland, 2nd
* 1997 Grand Prix Germany, 6th
* 1997 Grand Prix Hungary, 8th
* 1997 Grand Prix Russia, 4th
* 1997 Grand Prix Spain, 6th
* 1997 Night of Champions, 1st
* 1997 Mr. Olympia, 8th
* 1997 Toronto Pro Invitational, 3rd
* 1998 Arnold Classic, 5th
* 1998 Grand Prix Finland, 4th
* 1998 Grand Prix Germany, 4th
* 1998 Mr. Olympia, 6th
* 1999 Arnold Classic, 3rd
* 1999 Ironman Pro Invitational, 1st
* 1999 Mr. Olympia, 3rd
* 2000 Arnold Classic, 2nd
* 2000 Ironman Pro Invitational, 1st
* 2001 Arnold Classic, 2nd
* 2001 Grand Prix Australia, 1st
* 2001 Grand Prix England, 2nd
* 2001 Grand Prix Hungary, 2nd
* 2001 Grand Prix New Zealand, 2nd
* 2001 Ironman Pro Invitational, 1st
* 2001 Mr. Olympia, 5th
* 2001 San Francisco Pro Invitational, 1st
* 2002 Arnold Classic, 2nd
* 2002 Grand Prix Australia, 1st
* 2002 Grand Prix Austria, 1st
* 2002 Grand Prix England, 3rd
* 2002 Grand Prix Holland, 2nd
* 2002 Ironman Pro Invitational, 1st
* 2002 Mr. Olympia, 3rd
* 2002 San Francisco Pro Invitational, 2nd
* 2002 Show of Strength Pro Championship, 3rd
* 2003 Arnold Classic, 2nd
* 2003 Grand Prix Australia, 1st
* 2003 San Francisco Pro Invitational, 2nd
* 2003 Show of Strength Pro Championship, 7th
* 2004 Arnold Classic, 2nd
* 2004 Grand Prix Australia, 2nd
* 2004 Grand Prix England, 2nd
* 2004 Grand Prix Holland, 2nd
* 2004 Mr. Olympia, 7th
* 2005 Arnold Classic, 2nd
* 2005 Grand Prix Australia, 2nd
* 2005 Mr. Olympia, 13th
* 2005 San Francisco Pro Invitational, 1st
* 2007 IFBB Montreal Pro Classic, 4th
Galerie foto Chris Cormier
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