Bonnie Priest
8 poze
Nume complet: Bonnie Priest
Data nasterii: 16 iunie 1972 ( 52 ani )
Zodie: Gemeni
Inaltime (cm): 167
Greutate (kg): 74
Brat (cm): 41
Piept (cm): 109.2
Coapse (cm): 61
Gambe (cm): 39.4
Stare civila: casatorita
Prezentare Bonnie Priest
Bonnie Priest este o culturista de origine texana.
A fost atrasa de culturism inca de la varsta de 12 ani cand privea incantata revistele de profil.
Concureaza la categoria grea. mai departe
Bonnie Priest este o culturista de origine texana.
A fost atrasa de culturism inca de la varsta de 12 ani cand privea incantata revistele de profil.
Concureaza la categoria grea.
Palmares competitional Bonnie Priest
May 1997 NPC Heart of Texas - 1st heavyweight & overall
May 1998
WABDL Powerlifting Contest - 1st 165lbs. class & overall
Bench Press World Record - 303lbs.
August 1998 NPC Texas State BB Championships - 1st heavyweight & overall
June 1999 ... mai departe
May 1997 NPC Heart of Texas - 1st heavyweight & overall
May 1998
WABDL Powerlifting Contest - 1st 165lbs. class & overall
Bench Press World Record - 303lbs.
August 1998 NPC Texas State BB Championships - 1st heavyweight & overall
June 1999 NPC Junior Nationals - 3rd heavyweight (I dieted way to long and came in extremely lean and stringy. I lost a lot of muscle.)
June 2000 USPF Powerlifting Contest - 1st 181lbs. class & overall
Bench Press American Record - 352lbs.
Deadlift TX State Record - 501lbs.
Squat - 451lbs. (personal record w/ a close attempt at 475lbs.)
TX State Total Record - 1306lbs.
2001 I didn't compete this year because we were opening our gym. I lost my
national qualification, so I had to requalify as soon as possible.
May 2002 NPC Southwest USA - 1st heavyweight & overall (National Qualifier)
Nov. 2002 NPC Nationals - 7th heavyweight
July 2003
NPC USA - 1st heavyweight & overall
(won my pro card)
March 2004 Ms. International -- 7th place (heavyweight)
August 2004 SW Pro Cup -- 1st place (heavyweight & overall) *qualified for the Ms. O
October 2004 Ms. Olympia -- 7th place (heavyweight)
September 2005 Europa Super Show -- 1st heavyweight & overall (qualified for Ms. Olympia)
October 2005 Ms. Olympia -- 6th place (all one weight class - requalified for next year's Olympia)
March 2006 Ms. International -- 6th place
September 2006 Ms. Olympia -- 4th place (requalified for next year's Olympia)
March 2007 Ms. International -- 8th
September 2007 Ms. Olympia -- 7th
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