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Senior member 93 mesaje
Cum imi petrec eu timpul liber:)
scris pe 29 aug 2007 16:01 de Alpha
Nush cum va petreceti voi timpul liber ,dar eu compun muzica Hardstyle in timpul liber
uitati aicea 2 piese pe care le-am compus
Q_Style - Hardstyle Domination(The Battle for the Basse)
Download here :
Q_Style - My Power
Download here :
cum vi se par piesele?
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Junior member 25 mesaje
Re: Cum imi petrec eu timpul liber:)
scris pe 29 aug 2007 17:09 de slobozzz
in timpul liber ma uit in oglinda sa vad daca am mai crescut la piept
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Senior member 117 mesaje
Re: Re: Re: Cum imi petrec eu timpul liber:)
scris pe 27 dec 2007 14:43 de natural
ca tot romanu' - un vin cu tovarasii, un sport cu mingia, un bairam, un club, o fata (sau mai multe ) si... bungee.
Never, never, never give up!
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Expert member 856 mesaje
Re: Cum imi petrec eu timpul liber:)
scris pe 28 dec 2007 21:52 de andy90
cum vi se par piesele?
mi se par ca nu pot fi descarcate
"The Iron never lies to you. You can walk outside and listen to all kinds of talk, get told that you're a god or a total bastard. The Iron will always kick you the real deal. The Iron is the great reference point, the all-knowing perspective giver. Always there like a beacon in the pitch black. I have found the Iron to be my greatest friend. It never freaks out on me, never runs. Friends may come and go. But two hundred pounds is
always two hundred pounds."
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Senior member 93 mesaje
Re: Re: Re: Cum imi petrec eu timpul liber:)
scris pe 29 dec 2007 02:34 de Alpha
acesta este un remix ,la care am participat & am luat locul 6 ..aicea au participat artisti de peste tot
A-lusion - Talk iz Tomorrow(Q_Style rmx)
Downlaod here:
iar acea e piesa originala,ca sa faceti si deosebirea
A-lusion - Talk iz Tomorrow
iar asta o fost prima piesa cu adevarat hardstyle care am facuto(inainte eram pe trance )
Q_Style - My Power
apoi o piesa la care i-am dat si nishte influente hardcore
Q_Style - Hardstyle Domination(The Battle for The Basse)
apoi asta este o piesa care am facuto inspiranduma din nishte poze de pe google in care erau nishte clovni de circ (dinaia mai care te vsezi noaptea ,auzi muzica de circ & fug dupa tine cu drujba sa te taie in 2 )
Q_Style - It's Nani Time
Iar aceasta este ultima piesa care am facuto
Q_Style - All I Want 2 Do
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Senior member 93 mesaje
Re: Re: Cum imi petrec eu timpul liber:)
scris pe 29 dec 2007 02:38 de Alpha inca va arat 2 dintre pozele cu clowni care m-aiu inspirat .jpg
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