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Junior member 22 mesaje
scris pe 16 oct 2006 23:21 de b0gDaN3l
1.De la Weider...pun iarasi problema varstei de 16 ani(si jumate)...stimuland secretia de fiind in perioada de crestere accelerata spre final pana la 17 ani...
Stiu cum "functioneaza" produsul, voi ce parere aveti?
Si Gilu zicea in postul cu suplimente inutile si TRIBULUS TERRESTRIS de la weider...dc? dat. pretului?
2.Si Yohimbe...mai ales ca inainte(si acum) s-a folosit ca afrodisiac si am vazut posturi pe alte forumuri ca ar avea efectele apropiate celebrei viagra
Daca is bulshituri corectati-ma si invatati-ma pls
Astept raspunsuri!
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Veteran member 410 mesaje
scris pe 19 oct 2006 19:53 de testsuspensi
Daca stii engleza uite un citat:
Yohimbe is a tree that grows throughout the African nations of Cameroon, Gabon and Zaire. (A similar plant in South America is called Quebracho). For centuries, natives from these areas have ingested both the crude bark and purified compound as a tonic to enhance sexual prowess and as an aphrodisiac. The bark has been smoked as a hallucinogen and has been used in traditional medicine to treat angina and hypertension. The herb is a sensual stimulant for healthy men and women. Today, doctors prescribe an extract from the tree to treat organic impotence.
Yohimbe's energizing effects stem from it's ability to increase blood flow to the genitals, both male and female. It is thought to stimulate the pelvic nerve ganglia and thus is helpful for men with erection problems. In fact a prescription drug, yohimbine hydrochloride, is the only FDA approved drug for impotence. Effects can include increased libido, increased sensation and increased stamina. Women have also reported similar effects and general pleasant sensations.
Yohimbe bark contains about 6% yohimbine. This constituent is an indole alkaloid that is classified as an alpha-2-adrenergic blocking agent. The herb has a general nervous system stimulatory effect and can cause changes in blood pressure by dilating blood vessels. It can increase the heart rate, raise body temperature and increase blood pressure. At higher dosages, it has a mild psychotropic effect.
Yohimbe bark stimulates chemical reactions in the body that may aid in psychogenic cases of impotence, due to fatigue, tension and stress. Clinical studies have shown the herb to be effective in restoring potency in diabetic and heart patients who suffer from impotency. As an alpha-adrenoreceptor blocker, yohimbe reduces the effect of hormones that cause constriction of blood vessels, which typically increases as we age. It increases the body's production of norepinephrine which is essential in the formation of erections. Yohimbe may also boost the adrenaline supply to nerve endings, which can quicken male sensual stimulation. It has been used in combination with ginseng and saw palmetto as a remedy for men with low sex drive.
Yohimbe is also a short term MAO (monoamine oxidase) inhibitor and should be used with caution, especially if you have high blood pressure. Being an MAO inhibitor, yohimbe should not be taken with any food or drink containing tyramines (cheese, chocolate, beer, aged meats, nuts, etc.) and particularly not with the amino acids tyrosine or phenylalanine. A rise in blood pressure can result from the body not being able to remove the tyramines from these foods. It may be dangerous if used with anti-depressants, sedatives, antihistamines, caffeine, or amphetamines. Yohimbe may have other side effects such as racing heart rate, irritability, headache, nausea, sweating, dizziness and frequent urination. Anyone with a heart condition, kidney disease, glaucoma or history of gastric or duodenal ulcers should avoid this herb.
Te antrenezi.Transpiri.Te doare. Aici nu esti la bai de namol!Nu ai timp de taclale sau filozofie de doi bani. Doar tragi de fiare.Asta e adevarata afacer. asta e culturismul......daca poti si daca vrei!
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Junior member 22 mesaje
scris pe 21 oct 2006 12:07 de b0gDaN3l
Multam, cam asta stiam, pana la urma imi recomanda cineva sa iau una din astea(mai sigur tribuls ca yohimbe nu cred ca iau ca are si efecte adverse) la varsta mea?
Bafta Tuturor!
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Expert member 754 mesaje
scris pe 21 oct 2006 14:28 de crespo
Multam, cam asta stiam, pana la urma imi recomanda cineva sa iau una din astea(mai sigur tribuls ca yohimbe nu cred ca iau ca are si efecte adverse) la varsta mea?
Bafta Tuturor!
Nu lua nici Tribulus la 16 ani,asteapta pana pe la cel putin 18 ani inainte sa iei.
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Veteran member 410 mesaje
scris pe 21 oct 2006 19:53 de testsuspensi
Desigur eu ca si colegul iti recomand sa nu incerci produse care sa iti umble la sistemul hormonal pana la 18 ani
adica oricum ai un cocktail anabolic ca esti adolescent nu ai nevoie decat de mancare somnn si antrenament toate facute corect
Te antrenezi.Transpiri.Te doare. Aici nu esti la bai de namol!Nu ai timp de taclale sau filozofie de doi bani. Doar tragi de fiare.Asta e adevarata afacer. asta e culturismul......daca poti si daca vrei!
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Junior member 22 mesaje
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: TRIBULUS TERRESTRIS & Yohimbe
scris pe 22 oct 2006 19:05 de b0gDaN3l
Bifat in creer, retinut, executat, raspunsuri de genul acesta asteptam de la inceput, va multumesc
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