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Veteran member 443 mesaje
soia pt femei
scris pe 25 nov 2007 12:13 de Lukiano
Ce ziceti e bun izolatul din soia pentru femei pentru slabire/definire?
Consultanta si sfaturi culturism, fitness, nutritie, suplimente, slabire.
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Expert member 878 mesaje
Re: soia pt femei
scris pe 25 nov 2007 13:27 de gere
Ce ziceti e bun izolatul din soia pentru femei pentru slabire/definire?
dat find fapul ca e foarte controversata utilitatea acestei proteine poate iti e de ajutor acest se refera la definire ci la siguranta folosirii.
[red]"Soy Protein Powders Soy protein is a complete protein yielding all nine essential amino acids. It is produced using defatted soy flakes that go through a water or alcohol extraction process to remove the carbs. The flakes are then dried and ground. The resultant soy protein is rich in glutamine and arginine, and it is digested and absorbed quickly. It also provides antioxidant effects and a multitude of health benefits. This makes it a good protein to use before and after workouts.
Many bodybuilders fear soy protein due to the fact that soy contains high amounts of isoflavones that impart estrogenlike effects in the body. They worry that the isoflavones would compete with the anabolic effects of testosterone. However, research on soy in bodybuilders should allay those fears. When male bodybuilders consumed a soy protein shake twice a day for 12 weeks, they gained an equal amount of muscle mass as those consuming a whey protein shake twice a day. Plus, the soy protein had no effects on their testosterone or estrogen levels. Soy protein is listed as follows on ingredients labels. n Soy concentrate (SC) SC is usually about 70% protein, with the rest being carbs and fat. It can cause gas in some people due to the indigestible carbs it often contains. n Soy isolate (SI) SI is made from soy concentrate that is further processed to remove most of the fat, carbs and gas-producing factors to provide a protein that is higher than 90% protein."[/red]
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Veteran member 443 mesaje
Re: Re: soia pt femei
scris pe 25 nov 2007 14:53 de Lukiano
Desi sunt multe controverse in leagatura cu proteina din soia ajunsesem sa nu mai stiu ce sa cred citind multe articole atat pro cat si contra.
Si acum la adevarata intrebare:
Ce parerea aveti despre produsele pentru slabit, care ar fi mai indicat pentru femei? Hai sa discutam incepand cu banala carnitina pana la produse high-tech, ce stiti ca a dat rezulate
Consultanta si sfaturi culturism, fitness, nutritie, suplimente, slabire.
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Veteran member 326 mesaje
Re: Re: Re: soia pt femei
scris pe 25 nov 2007 15:08 de PopeyeTheSai
Si acum la adevarata intrebare:
Ce parerea aveti despre produsele pentru slabit, care ar fi mai indicat pentru femei? Hai sa discutam incepand cu banala carnitina pana la produse high-tech, ce stiti ca a dat rezulate Daca doriti si voi baieti hai sa discutam si despre definire/slabire si la barbati,tot aici si suplimente,eventual dieta,pareri etc.
Cred ca ar fi de folos!
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Veteran member 326 mesaje
Re: Re: Re: Re: soia pt femei
scris pe 25 nov 2007 15:17 de PopeyeTheSai
Cred ca de la inceput trebuie spus ca atunci cand vrei sa te definesti/slabesti trebuie sa ai o dieta bine pusa la punct,este cea mai importanta.
Dintre suplimente cred ca pentru o femeie L-Carnitina este destul de buna daca ai si o dieta si antrenament bun.
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Veteran member 443 mesaje
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: soia pt femei
scris pe 25 nov 2007 16:11 de Lukiano
Cred ca de la inceput trebuie spus ca atunci cand vrei sa te definesti/slabesti trebuie sa ai o dieta bine pusa la punct,este cea mai importanta.
Dintre suplimente cred ca pentru o femeie L-Carnitina este destul de buna daca ai si o dieta si antrenament bun.
Consultanta si sfaturi culturism, fitness, nutritie, suplimente, slabire.
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Expert member 7216 mesaje
Re: Re: soia pt femei
scris pe 25 nov 2007 16:47 de Gilu
dat find fapul ca e foarte controversata utilitatea acestei proteine poate iti e de ajutor acest se refera la definire ci la siguranta folosirii.
[red]"Soy Protein Powders Soy protein is a complete protein yielding all nine essential amino acids. It is produced using defatted soy flakes that go through a water or alcohol extraction process to remove the carbs. The flakes are then dried and ground. The resultant soy protein is rich in glutamine and arginine, and it is digested and absorbed quickly. It also provides antioxidant effects and a multitude of health benefits. This makes it a good protein to use before and after workouts.
Many bodybuilders fear soy protein due to the fact that soy contains high amounts of isoflavones that impart estrogenlike effects in the body. They worry that the isoflavones would compete with the anabolic effects of testosterone. However, research on soy in bodybuilders should allay those fears. When male bodybuilders consumed a soy protein shake twice a day for 12 weeks, they gained an equal amount of muscle mass as those consuming a whey protein shake twice a day. Plus, the soy protein had no effects on their testosterone or estrogen levels. Soy protein is listed as follows on ingredients labels. n Soy concentrate (SC) SC is usually about 70% protein, with the rest being carbs and fat. It can cause gas in some people due to the indigestible carbs it often contains. n Soy isolate (SI) SI is made from soy concentrate that is further processed to remove most of the fat, carbs and gas-producing factors to provide a protein that is higher than 90% protein."[/red]
Toate articolele au in spate un obiectiv, un interes financiar....articolul de fata e evident "pro" soy protein...Cel mai bine e sa luati si sa testati, daca merge e ok daca nu, treceti la urmatorul, s.a.m.d.....
Cand esti mort nu stii ca esti mort, e greu doar pt ceilalti, la fel si cand esti prost...
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Expert member 878 mesaje
Re: Re: Re: soia pt femei
scris pe 25 nov 2007 17:05 de gere
Toate articolele au in spate un obiectiv, un interes financiar....articolul de fata e evident "pro" soy protein...Cel mai bine e sa luati si sa testati, daca merge e ok daca nu, treceti la urmatorul, s.a.m.d.....
articolul e din Flex Magazine.Nu stiu cat ii ridica asta credibilitatea.Da,"din pacate" cel mai bine e sa il testezi pe tine.Spun din pacate pentru ca se poate sa aiba un efect nedorit,asta in general pentru un suplimente, nu pentru soia in parte.
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Veteran member 443 mesaje
Re: Re: Re: Re: soia pt femei
scris pe 26 nov 2007 09:59 de Lukiano
articolul e din Flex Magazine.Nu stiu cat ii ridica asta credibilitatea.Da,"din pacate" cel mai bine e sa il testezi pe tine.Spun din pacate pentru ca se poate sa aiba un efect nedorit,asta in general pentru un suplimente, nu pentru soia in parte.
Si suplimentele pentru slabit gen: L-Carnitin, Burn FX, Animal Cuts, Xenadrine, Anadrox, Hydroxycut Hardcore, sunt la fel de recomandate femeilor pentru slabit ca si barbatiilor si in ce doze?
Consultanta si sfaturi culturism, fitness, nutritie, suplimente, slabire.
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