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Veteran member 326 mesaje
Nasser El Sonbaty
scris pe 28 nov 2007 18:21 de PopeyeTheSai
Date personale
Nume:Nasser El Sonbaty
Locatie:San Diego,California
Data nasterii:15 Octombrie 1965
Inaltime: 5'11"
Greutate in Off Season:Around 310-330 lbs.
Greutate in competitii:Around 270-280 lbs.
2002 Mr. Olympia - 15th
2002 IFBB Arnold Classic - 10th
2001 Mr. Olympia - 9th
2000 MR OLYMPIA - 5th
1999 IFBB Grand Prix England -- 6th
1999 IFBB Joe Weiders Pro World -- 6th
1999 IFBB Mr. Olympia -- 6th
1999 Arnold Classic -- 1st
1998 IFBB Grand Prix Germany -- 3rd
1998 Mr. Olympia -- 3rd
1998 IFBB Arnold Classic -- 2nd
1997 IFBB Arnold Classic -- 2nd
1997 IFBB Grand Prix Czech Republic -- 3rd
1997 IFBB Grand Prix England -- 3rd
1997 IFBB Grand Prix Finland -- 4th
1997 IFBB Grand Prix Germany -- 2nd
1997 IFBB Grand Prix Hungary -- 2nd
1997 IFBB Grand Prix Russia -- 3rd
1997 IFBB Grand Prix Spain -- 2nd
1997 IFBB Mr. Olympia -- 2nd
1997 IFBB San Jose Pro Invitational -- 2nd
1996 IFBB Grand Prix Czech Republic -- 1st
1996 IFBB Grand Prix England -- 2nd
1996 IFBB Grand Prix Germany -- 2nd
1996 IFBB Grand Prix Russia -- 1st
1996 IFBB Grand Prix Spain -- 3rd
1996 IFBB Grand Prix Switzerland -- 1st
1996 IFBB Mr. Olympia -- Disqualified
1995 IFBB Grand Prix England -- 4th
1995 IFBB Grand Prix France -- 3rd
1995 IFBB Grand Prix Germany -- 3rd
1995 IFBB Grand Prix Russia -- 3rd
1995 IFBB Grand Prix Spain -- 3rd
1995 IFBB Grand Prix Ukraine -- 2nd
1995 IFBB Houston Pro Invitational -- 1st
1995 IFBB Night of Champions -- 1st
1995 IFBB Mr. Olympia -- 3rd
1994 IFBB Mr. Olympia -- 7th
1994 IFBB Night of Champions -- 2nd
1993 IFBB Grand Prix France -- 3rd
1993 IFBB Grand Prix Germany -- 3rd
1990 IFBB Grand Prix Finland -- 8th
Nasser vorbeste sapte limbi straine .
S-a nascut in Germania,tatal sau este din Egipt iar mama sa din Serbia.
Poze: ilder_Pro_photo_ezr.jpg _Pro_IFBB_pro_photo_ezr.jpg
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Veteran member 326 mesaje
HUGE Nasser El Sonbaty
scris pe 28 nov 2007 18:31 de PopeyeTheSai
HUGE Nasser El Sonbaty.Mama ce soare este,chiar trebuia sa isi ia ochelarii de soare ca era grav daca nu !
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Veteran member 326 mesaje
O poza reusita
scris pe 28 nov 2007 21:28 de PopeyeTheSai
O poza reusita...
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Veteran member 326 mesaje
scris pe 28 nov 2007 23:07 de PopeyeTheSai
Poze: /A0/F7/A0F712B083BB42.jpg
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Veteran member 326 mesaje
Nasser la antrenament
scris pe 28 nov 2007 23:09 de PopeyeTheSai
O poza cu Nasser la munca .
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Veteran member 326 mesaje
Dublu biceps
scris pe 28 nov 2007 23:11 de PopeyeTheSai
Dublu biceps .
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Expert member 856 mesaje
Re: Nasser El Sonbaty
scris pe 29 nov 2007 14:42 de andy90
Date personale
Nume:Nasser El Sonbaty
Locatie:San Diego,California
Data nasterii:15 Octombrie 1965
Inaltime: 5'11"
Greutate in Off Season:Around 310-330 lbs.
Greutate in competitii:Around 270-280 lbs.
2002 Mr. Olympia - 15th
2002 IFBB Arnold Classic - 10th
2001 Mr. Olympia - 9th
2000 MR OLYMPIA - 5th
1999 IFBB Grand Prix England -- 6th
1999 IFBB Joe Weiders Pro World -- 6th
1999 IFBB Mr. Olympia -- 6th
1999 Arnold Classic -- 1st
1998 IFBB Grand Prix Germany -- 3rd
1998 Mr. Olympia -- 3rd
1998 IFBB Arnold Classic -- 2nd
1997 IFBB Arnold Classic -- 2nd
1997 IFBB Grand Prix Czech Republic -- 3rd
1997 IFBB Grand Prix England -- 3rd
1997 IFBB Grand Prix Finland -- 4th
1997 IFBB Grand Prix Germany -- 2nd
1997 IFBB Grand Prix Hungary -- 2nd
1997 IFBB Grand Prix Russia -- 3rd
1997 IFBB Grand Prix Spain -- 2nd
1997 IFBB Mr. Olympia -- 2nd
1997 IFBB San Jose Pro Invitational -- 2nd
1996 IFBB Grand Prix Czech Republic -- 1st
1996 IFBB Grand Prix England -- 2nd
1996 IFBB Grand Prix Germany -- 2nd
1996 IFBB Grand Prix Russia -- 1st
1996 IFBB Grand Prix Spain -- 3rd
1996 IFBB Grand Prix Switzerland -- 1st
1996 IFBB Mr. Olympia -- Disqualified
1995 IFBB Grand Prix England -- 4th
1995 IFBB Grand Prix France -- 3rd
1995 IFBB Grand Prix Germany -- 3rd
1995 IFBB Grand Prix Russia -- 3rd
1995 IFBB Grand Prix Spain -- 3rd
1995 IFBB Grand Prix Ukraine -- 2nd
1995 IFBB Houston Pro Invitational -- 1st
1995 IFBB Night of Champions -- 1st
1995 IFBB Mr. Olympia -- 3rd
1994 IFBB Mr. Olympia -- 7th
1994 IFBB Night of Champions -- 2nd
1993 IFBB Grand Prix France -- 3rd
1993 IFBB Grand Prix Germany -- 3rd
1990 IFBB Grand Prix Finland -- 8th
Nasser vorbeste sapte limbi straine .
S-a nascut in Germania,tatal sau este din Egipt iar mama sa din Serbia.
Poze: ilder_Pro_photo_ezr.jpg _Pro_IFBB_pro_photo_ezr.jpg
dont like this dude..e prea huge
"The Iron never lies to you. You can walk outside and listen to all kinds of talk, get told that you're a god or a total bastard. The Iron will always kick you the real deal. The Iron is the great reference point, the all-knowing perspective giver. Always there like a beacon in the pitch black. I have found the Iron to be my greatest friend. It never freaks out on me, never runs. Friends may come and go. But two hundred pounds is
always two hundred pounds."
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Veteran member 324 mesaje
Re: Nasser El Sonbaty
scris pe 22 mar 2013 15:36 de vlcosmin
Tocmai a murit acum 2 zile, din cauza unei infectii la rinichi...
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Expert member 2429 mesaje
Re: Nasser El Sonbaty
scris pe 22 mar 2013 16:56 de adi123
wow omul asta era un monstru
Mai bine mai tarziu decat niciodata!
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